Month: November 2020

veterans can choose how their funeral will be conducted

How Do I Plan a Veteran’s Funeral?

Veterans go out of their way to support this country and therefore should get a memorial service that highlights and honors their contributions. Veterans themselves have the power to choose how their service will be conducted. That includes where the burial takes place as well. Unlike the general public, veterans can be buried in one

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final expense and VA work together to pay funeral costs

Does Final Expense and VA Work Together to Cover Funeral Costs?

For a veteran, choosing between final expense insurance and Veterans Affairs (VA) burial allowance is not an ultimatum. You can have both. It’s actually advised to have both because VA burial allowance is unlikely to cover the entire funeral cost by itself. Having both of these is easier said than done. Final expense insurance is

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final expense policies can help cover the funeral service you want

What Is a Horse and Carriage Funeral?

A horse and carriage funeral is arguably the most elegant type of funeral service possible. This style of funeral is a sophisticated and unforgettable event for everyone in attendance. With final expense insurance, this is not out of reach. You ought to be remembered the way you want to be remembered, and as one of

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final expense insurance is a type of life insurance

Is Life Insurance the Same as Final Expense Insurance?

Life insurance and final expense insurance operate through similar principles, which mainly relate to leaving loved ones with a large sum of cash. Your passing will affect the people around you, and since those ties are so profound, your death will indirectly impact the other people your loved ones spend their time with.  We’re all

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here's how a final expense policy can benefit you

How Can a Final Expense Policy Benefit You?

How a final expense insurance policy benefits you depends on what the word “benefit” means to you. Benefit is contextual and can be woven into different meanings depending on the criteria set. Benefit also represents improvement. You’re better off in the end than you were in the beginning. Something was introduced that wasn’t there before,

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